Type of Photographs :
Portraits, "vision-like" pictures, experimental.
Useful Links :
Rough Information and Comments :
Jean-Claude Bélégou is a "theory guy". He's been into photography since almost 40 years now, and his work involves a huge number of pictures, organized in series tracking his successive investiguations and experimentations on photography.

Premiers Visages - 1989
Alone or inside a group of artists (like "Noir Limite" 1986-1993), he focused mainly on the following concepts : the human body and the notion of limit or border (between the fabric and the flesh, between the hair and the skin, between sleep and consciouness, between inside or outside, life and death, between real and unreal).
Being an adept of the photography as an intelectuallized and organized art (versus spontaneity), his "world" often has an "unreal" or "dream-like" feeling to it. Indeed, it mimicks daily situation, but in a very artificial and scenarised way.
Women being an obvious magnet for him and his art : it's obvious that he has a particular tenderness for young thin women with long brown hair :)

Les Vierges - 1988
Even if his website is a bit "dense" and disorienting, it's worth having a look at his different periods, especially "Premiers Visages", "Empreintes", "Les Vierges" or his most recent colour series. The website displays diptycs in an original manner : the image flickers into another as you pass the mouse on it.
After a huge exploration of black and white technique, he recently switched to color photographs:

Among his latter works, the serie called "Les Choses" is showing another facet of his work, away from the body, and yet not so far : even absent the body is evoked, by the juxtaposition of 2 pictures.
This is typical, since his bodies of work are mostly sub-divided into diptycs, triptycs... like the two above.
I'm not going to mention the numerous selfportraits, since every artist has to deal with his own image, and his aging too, but it's clearly not my favourite part.