Thursday, January 15, 2009

Paolo Pellegrin, Italy

Type of Photographs :

Useful Links : 
His page on Magnum site and a blog entry he wrote about his stay in Guantanamo.
An interesting article about him on pdnonline (Please have a look at the gallery linked to it).

Rough Information and Comments :
After trying architecture, it seems that Paolo Pellegrin found his way in photo-journalism.
He says himself : "I'm more interested in a photography that is 'unfinished' - a photography that is suggestive and can trigger a conversation or dialogue. There are pictures that are closed, finished, to which there is no way in."

Indeed, lots of his pictures, in Haiti, Sudan, Kosovo or Guantanamo for example seem to have been taken "on the fly". Without paying much attention to the estethic beauty, but focusing more on capturing an impression, a feeling. 

Some of his works are more structured, seeming almost posed. They also convey mostly a very strong emotional dimension.

It's interesting to see how those two types of pictures coexist in his work, playing on two different medium to make us feel the situation. 

What ever, watching Paolo Pellegrin's pictures is more likely than not going to make you feel as if you just received a blow in the stomach.

When I see this kind of work, it's hard not to talk about Art. So much more alive and powerful than the "all too cosy" pictures coming from "studio photographs".